Wednesday 28 December 2016


I created this poster to participated in the poster design competition conducted by NDMC ,The poster is designed in a simple way that every people should understand that they can pay the bills in a single click by seeing it , i have showed the transformation of cash to digits and named it as "DIGI CASH" since the word is catchy so  people can easily remember it.

Friday 9 December 2016

Movie Poster- Love and Love only[minimalistic]

I have created a Minimalistic poster in the topic of "love and love only"
 showing couple faces in negative space inside hearts.

Monday 5 December 2016

Movie Poster - PSYCHO

Designed poster for the Movie "PSYCHO"using a image of a girl showing whose real face is hidden inside since the psychotic people does not have stable mind, Radial Blur is used focusing her eyes which will bring Disturbed feeling to the audience while seeing the poster

Friday 4 November 2016

Awareness poster -Diwali

Here I've designed a poster to bring awareness to people to buy Swadesi Crackers and to avoid  foreign crackers to celebrate safe and happy diwali.

Friday 28 October 2016

Steve Jobs

My inspiration Mr. Steve Jobs , A man of Innovation & Creativity .Here I've combined some of his quotes and created a poster using clip mask ,I've used the background as black to create emphasis to the subject.

Sunday 16 October 2016


Book cover mock up
Designed a book cover for the Title FREEDOM AT MIDNIGHT, Instead of showing flag and freedom fighters i have designed the cover in a creative way representing  a chicken hatched from egg at mid night,Also by showing the flag of British on egg and Indian flag on chicken
Book cover

Monday 22 August 2016